Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Journaling - Nov 10

Yesterday I started my Interpersonal Communication course. My teacher Mintie is getting us to journal a page double spaced monday to friday. So I've decided to blog my journal articles.


Monday, November 10, 2008 was not an easy day for me. Sunday was the one year anniversary of my fathers passing. On Monday at nine we were supposed to have a speaker coming from palliative care. My heart felt allot lighter when I found out that they weren’t coming any more. I have dealt with death and dying through being a health care aide (HCA) in a personal care home (PCH). I have also taken palliative care in the past for my HCA course. It is just the significance of the Sunday and the week to come. I didn’t know exactly what to expect, I knew it would be hard but I was not quite sure on how I would be affected. My boyfriend of nearly a year and his family were an incredible support. I have two sisters that I just spoke to on the phone on Sunday. My mom planned a wedding shower for my oldest sister on the afternoon of the ninth. I know my Dad would not have cared if I was at the wedding shower for my sister that was just something I didn’t want to do. I talked to both my sisters; Jenn and Viola on the phone which was nice.

Back to my morning of the 10th I was trying to listen to the speaker that did show up about elder abuse. I had other things clouding my mind; my father, exam and new course I was going to be starting. My introduction to Leisure exam went very well. I believe I will receive a very good mark. Starting my new class was not nearly as overwhelming as I thought it would be. I am excited for it now because it seems very interactive. I want to develop my communication skills. I understand the importance of clear communication and I am excited in the further knowledge I will gain about communication through this course. It is something so important in our role as recreation facilitators. When class was finished I was surprised that two hours gone by so fast. I live with my grandma so when I got home I visited with her. I ate, did a bit of homework in the evening and retired early for a good night sleep.

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