Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ali & Lc

Friday, November 14, 2008 I had the opportunity to meet at the college for lunch, with my two good friends from high school. I still find it really crazy that we are all going to Red River at the same time. Plus all our fields are related to health care: Alicia is taking nursing, Leslie is taking x-ray technician and I am taking recreation facilitator for older adults. I had sent them both a text message earlier in the week when I noticed that we all would have lunch off at the same time. I was the sender, the channel was the text message and they both received it decoded. Through personal experience I have acknowledged texting as means have communication has positives and negatives. Some positives are; there quick when you don’t have time to talk on the phone, you can text more than one person at once and there are free. Some negatives are; they are often interpreted wrong and decrease oral communication significantly. Alicia decoded it in a different way than I intended it to be. She thought we were meeting from 12-1, when Leslie and I thought we were meeting 11-1. All in all, it was so nice to sit and catch up with them both. They both helped shape my self concept that I have today. They were part of my reference group in high school. Reference group is a group that we compare ourselves to influencing our self concept and self esteem. Having this time with them over lunch I see how they confirm who I am. My country roots go deep, as do there’s. We know so many of the same people from growing up in a small town together. Our families even enter twin. We are all athletes and share a love for active recreation. Now we all share the commonality of students at Red River College. Due to us all having such busy schedules, we have come up with a plan to get together every second week. Kind of like a set in stone date, usually on Thursdays. Before we decided this we weren’t seeing each other. I love those girls. They bring joy to my heart. I don’t want our friendships to shatter and fall to the floor because a part of me would do the same.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

how do you make a "blogs i love to read? list?