Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Journaling - remembrance and meeting new people

On Tuesday, November 11, 2008 I could sleep in without alarm. It feels so freeing knowing that you won’t be woken up by loud noises interrupting your sleep. I’ve had a good healthy breakfast and watched some music videos on Country Music Television (CMT). I worked on my Introduction into Gerontology group project that is due on Thursday. I am in a group with Vanessa, Carla, Vernon and Jacqueline. Our topic is elder abuse in which we have made a power point for. Elder mistreatment just started gaining attention 30 years ago. It is an unfortunate problem that Canada is slowly making progress in. At eleven I had my moment of silence. November 11 brings allot of memories to my mind because my grandfather fought in the war. He fought in Africa, Italy and Great Britain. My grandma Jessie showed me his seven medals this morning. It just makes you extremely thankful for the country we have today. It brings feeling of pride knowing that someone from your family, contributed so much to the freedom of this great nation, Canada. My afternoon seemed very successful, due to my completion of my part, of my group project.

My friend was having a joint birthday party with his brother in the evening. I headed over to his place for supper. It was so nice to cook together and visit before we headed to the party. It has been awhile since we had some good quality time together. He filled me in on the new things going on in his life, it was so nice to catch up. The party went really well, I knew a few people there or I had met them once before. Mostly it was my friends Campus for Christ (CFC) group, its a interesting experience joining a group when they all know each other well and you know one person. Being able to make casual light conversation with people is a huge asset. I find that university students small talk always seem to a go certain way.

University student response, “Do you study here?”

My response, “Nope, Red River.”

University students response, “Oh great what are you taking?”

My response, “Recreation Facilitator for Seniors.”

University students response, “ So how many years will that take?”

My response, “Just eight months.”

University students response, “Oh, that’s great!”

Honestly, it seems like our small talk always is just like that. There identity is university and the development of their career. I just find it really interesting. I now see myself doing the same thing. I was able to drive my birthday boy’s friend home. I really enjoyed talking with her and getting to know her better. I have realized that I am pretty good in large groups, even when I know only a couple of people.

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